Crossroads Anglican Mission is a fellowship of Christians gathered around the scriptural belief that where two or more of Christ’s followers are gathered in his name, he is among us. We come together to worship and pray; to study his teachings from the Bible; to encourage one another in the faith; but primarily, to reach out to others in need by bringing our individual gifts together under one united mission—the sharing of the Good News of Jesus and the Kingdom of God.
One of our primary outreaches is Crossroads Abbey, a virtual prayer community that encourages the Church to rediscover the beauty and power of liturgical prayer through the ancient, Celtic spirituality of daily prayers found in the Anglican Book of Common Prayer.
Another of our emphases focuses upon helping others with employment and career development needs through Fr. David’s “Job Father Ministries.” In addition to teaching best job search and interviewing strategies, Fr. David delights in encouraging others to seek the Lord for their calling and vocational purpose in serving Christ and his Kingdom.
See contact information for Fr. David if you have any need in this area.